Thursday, September 26, 2019

Masthead- title of the newspaper displayed on the front of the page.

caption- brief text underneath.

headline- a phrase that simulates the main part of the story.

main image- dominant picture, often filling much of the left corner.

stand first- block of text that introduces the story.

byline- where the name of the reporter is included at the begging of the article.

standalone- picture story that can exist on its own.

splash- block of text that introduces the story.

cross-head- the main story.

plug- usually at top left and right corner of the page.

semiotics is the study of sign and symbols all elements of media is sign
denotation is the straight forward or common- sense meaning of sign of what is actually shown on the image.
The connotation will not be the same for everybody. cultural context play a huge role.
Connotation is the extra, linked meaning that goes with any sign , or rather what the sign signifies.

semiotic analysis of harry potter dark, humor, elements of fear door signifies the strength of Hag rid when he breaks it down the shotgun shows fear within the fat guy.
the kindness of hag rid is show by him delivering harry a birthday cake
bravery is shown by hag rid remaining calm in front of a Gun

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