Monday, September 9, 2019


Image result for different font
different fonts tell different stories e.g meaning for example long posh lines could be used for a royal wedding story or images could be used for meanings like the rose could mean England rugby squad WW1 or just a normal rose. the love heart shape isn't anything like the structure of the actual but we use as a symbol of love.


Serif- noun printing a smaller line used to finish off a main stroke of a letter

Sans serif- means without in french

The difference between the two mast heads are that the daily mirror is quite simple and bold which makes it stand out yet not unique could show a sign of not being as important. The daily telegraph however shows importance as it is more of a posh fonts and there for makes it unique to normal plain fonts this will mainly be used for broadsheet as it is seemed to be an important matter and therefor will normally be about politics. This suggest the the daily mirrors target audience is for those that want celebrity news and what is going on in the daily world rather than the daily telegraph leaning more to the target audience of upper class people that are in to the more serious side of news like politics

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